But… that’s not that actually happens David Shields, Natalie Lane, Carly Adamson, Scott Oliver and Kathleen Collins
Author: professionalisminhealthcare
Jinelle Ramlackhansingh – Professional identity development in challenging health care environments
Professional identity development in challenging health care environments during the early years of medical school. Coping with the transition. Dr Jinelle Ramlackhansingh, PhD Candidate, Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Joanne Harris- Exploration of cultural factors and how they shape professional identify formation of medical undergraduates
Exploration of cultural factors and how they shape professional identity formation of medical undergraduates Joanne Harris
8 CPD points approved
We are delighted to announce that the conference has been approved for 8 external CPD credits by the Royal College of Physicians. This includes the live (online via Zoom) event and the online content on our website. To claim CPD credits you must register and attend the live event (online via Zoom), and complete the […]
Committee Introductions
We are pleased to bring you these brief introductory videos by our Organising Committee! Dr Scott Oliver Dr Kathleen Collins Mrs Catie Paton
Talks are coming in fast!
Talks are coming in fast! Thanks to all the authors who have been submitting their presentations over the last few days – we are processing these behind the scenes to be ready for release on our website in time for the conference. The conference is shaping up to be a great day and we hope […]
Draft Programme Announced
We are delighted to announce our Draft Programme for the conference – click the link for more information!
The conference is taking shape!
The Organising Committee are working hard to put the finishing touches to the conference programme, website and arrangements for the day. We have over 100 delegates registered to attend thus far, register now if you haven’t already done so. We ask all scientific presentation authors to please submit their presentation files as soon as possible. […]